validity problem

英 [vəˈlɪdəti ˈprɒbləm] 美 [vəˈlɪdəti ˈprɑːbləm]

网络  永真问题



  1. How to use and maintain it well and guarantee the truism and validity of monitor result is a problem that the environmental monitor workers need to face everyday.
  2. For many clustering algorithms, it is very important to determine an appropriate number of clusters, which is called cluster validity problem.
  3. With deep development of the integration of industry-finance capital ( IIFC), the validity of IIFC has already become core problem in the study.
  4. Introducing the economic analysis way, through the analysis to entrapment cost and benefit relationship, to get the implementation range of the effective entrapment is a kind of reasonable analyzing method, which has certain instructive meaning for us to discuss the validity problem of entrapment.
  5. Lacking of feature validity maintaining function has become a serious problem with existing feature modeling systems.
  6. The semantic validity and entailment problem of XML documents are further provided and they are reduced to the knowledge base unsatisfiability problem in description logic language ΣΗΟΙΝ(?).
  7. A cluster validity function-based method is proposed for solving the problem of clustering for area geographical entities when the number of cluster is unknown.
  8. We discussed clustering validity problem, and a texture segmentation method based on adaptive FCM has been constructed by the guidance of fuzzy clustering validity.
  9. On such basis, the paper extraordinarily promotes the arbitration validity is just a problem of law's explanation. The standards of law's explanation lies in reasonable profit's analysis.
  10. In this paper, the validity problem for image processing with FIG is discussed in detail, and the measurement problem is presented which is about how well FIG adapts to an image, with a definition of such measure being given.
  11. The network performance management ( NPM) with responsibility for maintaining Quality Of Service and running efficiency is one of basic contents for the network management ( NM), and its validity is the all-important problem of NM.
  12. The reasonableness of clustering result is belongs to cluster validity problem.
  13. How to heighten the validity of ideological political work is a general problem to which educational workers pay attention.
  14. The validity of police trap is a very outstanding problem in judicial practice.
  15. Then we carry on positive research on it, in the hope of solving the validity problem about financial integration after the enterprise merging.
  16. An approach to approximately quick solutions of the validity problem of DNFs
  17. Then put forward the question that the computer forensics meets& the evidence validity question of the computer forensics and difficult problem that computer based on UNIX system collect evidence;
  18. Thirdly, once there was a sudden affair arose, the validity of long-term information might be in problem, so the long-term investors may shut the books, or they may trade according to short-term information.
  19. Transmission Validity and Limitation Satisfying Problem of Multi-Agent Networks within Small World Network Topology
  20. Finally, a numerical example is provided to illustrate the validity of the means. Finally, the problem of elastic robust dissipative control for uncertain bilinear descriptor systems is researched.
  21. He put forward two principle of justice through formulating the validity problem of nation.
  22. In real life, corporate lending is a widespread social phenomenon. But the validity problem of corporate lending contracts has been controversial all the time, and there are no unified criteria of judgment in the present legislative and judicial practice.
  23. Study on institutions of property rights in fundamental education is objective need to bring market validity into full play and to resolve practical problem.
  24. This shows that ADRC control project validity resolve of the control problem thermal power plant and the advantage of control performance. 3.
  25. No matter what civil litigation reconciliation system development, finally all into the practice of civil lawsuit settlement what would happen validity problem comes up.
  26. Simulations show that the proposed controllers are validity. Thirdly, the robust control problem of attitude tracking is investigated.
  27. Simulation results demonstrate that the improved algorithm is feasibility and validity for solving QoS multicast routing problem with multiple constraints.
  28. Through the research above, property preservation has guarantee validity. Then there will be a problem that how to handle the relationship between property preservation and real rights for security which has guarantee validity too.
  29. Simulation results prove its validity in resolve the multi-network co-exist problem, show that it can work well in the scenario where exist some connectionless sub-networks.
  30. Therefore, simply implementing a rational expectation model cannot solve the validity problem of our real estate market macro control policies.